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University of Central Oklahoma




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At the University of Central Oklahoma you are considered to be a transfer applicant if you have attempted 6 or more credit hours at an accredited college or university. UCO participates in the OSHRE Course Equivalency Project, a collaborative effort among Oklahoma Colleges and Universities to aid the transfer of credits within Oklahoma schools. More information can be found here: https://okhighered.org/transfer-students/course-transfer/. In addition to the Transfer Guides provided on this website, you may contact the UCO Transfer and Transition Support Office with questions. Reach us at 405-974-2727 or via email at admissions@uco.edu.

  1. To begin, select the STATE or NATION from the drop down list and click "Submit."
  2. Next, select the SCHOOL from which you are transferring and click "Submit."

Select a State or Nation to create a list of schools.

Select a College in Oklahoma.

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